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Rockers manzxcs,

@ don-saygoodbye.bs.com

Thursday, July 30, 2009

HoHo. Now every two day one post, see i really very good le~ so active in blog ^^ must clap for me hor.! MUST MUST !!!! HAHA xD 0k0k

yesterday as per normal go Ritz Calton Work, YTD super BUSY ! Until SIAO.. Walk here walk there , sometime need run haha..:D ytd Vice GM never scold me ~ WOOTS ! So happy, saw him one time only then dk he go where le..lol..

After work go Suntec City eat, total cost for my meal : $13.90, so expensive but nevermind, long long one time eat expensive, mummy won't scold..hehe ^^ then go arcade, not i play is my two friends.. one of my fren say early that he won't play the game there cos lame, AT THE END.. u all noe what happen?? He play the basketball there..HAHA xD I the most guaii de , 0k? I never play at all^^



♥Bad Romance

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

HoHo Today nothing to do~ so change blog song..HAHA xD Nice right that is 甜蜜蜜.!!!!! WAKAKA xD don't know why, i love this song sia..haha xD

Today as per normal go school..lalala~ I love English lesson very much cos Teacher very funny ..HAHA xD cannot take it. then today CD lesson, one teacher share with us a show about "CRIME" that intersting..haha xD I have learnt not to do wrong thing, or else go prison very scary sia. After school, go home shower and change then go fren hse awhile..thn go home rest and slack in MSN ^^

Siann tmr need go work again le~ haiss I miss school, auditionsea, -P-Family-Ex All ppl sia ~..but nevermind ! jyjy ! Anthony you can do it ! GoGoG0 .!


♥Bad Romance

Sunday, July 26, 2009

今天很高兴 xD 所以写一些句子


愿上帝, 爱我们.!

因为有你 .. 让我忘掉过去 ..
因为有你 .. 让我不再寂寞 ..
因为有你 .. 让我相信有爱 ..
因为有你 .. 让我觉得温暖 ..
因为有你 .. 让我觉得幸福 ..
因为有你 .. 让我不再伤心 ..
因为有你 .. 让我更加开心 ..
因为有你 .. 让我不再流泪 ..
因为有你 .. 为我的过去感到伤心 ..
只因为有你 ... 才会有今天开开心心的我 ...
只因为有你 ... 我才会觉得自己被关心 ...
所以 ..我爱你 .. !么么
~永远开心 ~

Nice right? hehe xD enjoy ar ^^


♥Bad Romance

Friday, July 24, 2009

YoYo ^^ Today went to shopping..HAHA xD so fun.! We went go to Orchard ION Shopping Centre there, the shopping quite 0k0k lo all is females stuff, male abit nia ..SO UNFAIR ! Next Time I aso want be female too ^^ bleh !! haha jkjk ^^ then take some photo but don't have my face, I won't show you all ^^ I show some of my friend face nia ^^ xD

The food we eat ^^ hehe so sad, I should take early so that there still more food, haiss xD

When I tooking picture on food, one more my fren say he wan me to take pic on him, then take lo now we llike introduce you all food ^^ We are Food Magazine Company xD.

HAHA xD so funny right ?? this boy is a Joker man ! BLEH :D

He steal away my bowl, then eat all my food, bad right ?? xD

three of there except for me xD, I say le I won't show you all my picture ^^ cos my picture is EXPENSIVE. xD


♥Bad Romance

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Finally reach home~
So tired x.x , but time getting faster and faster, xD hahas don't why lei ^^ today hor in the morning, i help one guest send something and he give me TIPS, i was so shock !! HAPPY until BOO.! HAHA xD and hor today alot of Manager tell me "Good Job" I was so happy until SIAO.! then hor the Vice GM come to me but never scold me, he praise me "Keep It Up", Wakaka xD today I so lucky ^^ !

then as per normal, eat at hotel canteen cos it FREE ^^ no need give money ..haha xD save money for future^^, then go Suntec City walk walk..after that go book shop buy one story book for tmr or else, my English Teacher sure KILL ME .! HAHA xD -reach home around 8.45pm le..tired until nth to say ..haha now hyper le !

0k0k end le ~ ^^


♥Bad Romance

Monday, July 20, 2009

YA HOO~, Yo everyone.! It lecture time for me to talk to you all ^^ See this week I very good right.? Almost every two day post lei ~ Don't play play hor.! -bleh- : HAHA jkjk don mind me, I very HIGH de, 0k? ^^ Last week I nothing to do so make one picture but is ALL ABOUT ME, Not YOU. haha 0k0k relax lar~ today went school as per normal, today got SC duty so need spot check , whether got bring bomb anot, haha joking joking.! than today duty quite 0k, everything is fine, lucky no want want make us..^^ lalala~

THE Picture is COPYRIGHT,2009, by Mr.Anthony Tan that me ar^^ !


♥Bad Romance

Friday, July 17, 2009

ALAMAK tio spam again :::

Arlow, Dear Coffee is my blog so nice for spamming?? I really wan throw you to toilet .! losopo !! u aso can i throw you to sea?? xD (loso) until my blog .. hehe but still got one more people cannot tell u all, *she* also love to spam my blog and i don't why^^ if i tell u the name, she gotta kill me up ..wakaka xD BUt really my blog so nice to spam meh?? wierdo~

nbm thn.. show some photo with you all xD

nice right, I and my twin photo..HOHO xD so nicee~

We two so SHUAII . !!Agree right?^^ wakakaka xD SHY..

♥Bad Romance

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

School want us to have experience and learn skill from hotel so send us to work...

Today is the third day, i went for working in Ritz Calton Hotel... I am very afraid of the Vice GM de.! when first day i go for work, The vice GM say to me that " I don't care whether what age you are, U come to this hotel, I expect your standard same as all my hotel staff, I doncare!", cos hor I don front check-in-desk de ma, then hor we need to say ' Goodmorning/afternoon Sir or Ma'am " ma, but the Vice GM say my sound very soft, then he test me by he go far far away make me say so loud..really very what sia..but nvm....then hor, we must stand straight for 8hr cnt sit, Must keep standing and also cannot move unless guest got some thing to ask for help but hor I move abit, another Manager say i dancing.! 0k lo fine~ they wan say let them say lo. don care..but at that moment yr tears really feel like dropping out, but I ren.. I wish I can stay in School better than working in hotel..At that time I keep thinking, School the better.! But lucky got good department Manager and some senior.


♥Bad Romance

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Today is very special day ..hehe.. that is someone birthday^^ feel so happy..by the way let me tell you, she is xiaoyu, hehe

HAPPY BIRTHDAY XIAOYU, Wish you enjoy today and have fun ^^ .Happy adding one more year old in, All remember send -Xiaoyu- pressent ar..haha.!


♥Bad Romance

Sunday, July 12, 2009

HiHI ALL. Sorry Long long time never post le, because really very busy ma. I busy with fam blog cos Master keep give me STRESS^^, then i need follow..haiss I very kelian hor. And relax la don't need to spam my blog de~

When You all spam my blog so scary sia~ haha jKjK, 0k Welcome to New fresh blog with new song and all thing is new^^ enjoy ar, remember don let my blog dead again~ I donwan this to be happen,thanked ar~


See we do finish move lei~ zai right?? haha jKjk , I never tell them, thn just ss on them..hehe ^^
Then At The End become LAST..shyt !

3 girl vs 1 boy that me...I so kelian need help them take ss, thn become last, haisss but lucky got do FM, or else very "throw face". Then they bully me lei, Someone keep calling me 'Ants' hor, but I too kind le..don't want argue with her, lao mei must thanked me ar^^ ..HoHO



♥Bad Romance


Anthonyy Tan !


Zhenghuaprischool ; westspringsecschool.
born in 250894, with full of suprise throughout the 15years.
going to 16 this year.
Audition number 1 to me !a hpyer person!a friendly friend that you should know! :DD
a Cantonese song/TVB drama lover <3 !

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Mind you words.